Wednesday, January 30, 2008

the end of a beginning

Here is a list of several things that mark the end of my 'new beginning'. now I am moving on...and will hopefully not smell like smoke. [bible study joke. lol]

1. Harry Potter-- the last of the series came out this summer, so now i must move on. although i still loveLOVElove hp, i will be looking for something else to fill what is now a hole.

2. sophomore year is in FULL swing. new semester, and new things to worry about and new lessons to be learned. out with the old, and in with the new.

3. my infamous sandwiches. i've been changing them up a little everyday because i am trying to embrace change. enough of eating the same thing every day. it gets boring.

4. AP world history... i am sick of my procrastinating self--i will be working to keep up with homework and study the material....we'll see; time will only tell

5. i have a library book that i need to turn in...i think it was due today :(

6. i am no longer "seeking" a boyfriend. if its God's plan, it'll happen of course...and if not, i'm okay with that. or atleast i'll try to be.

7. this new bible study rocks my socks and flips my flops. i love doing the homework and learning about history. and how we are living in a babylon of our own.

8. tuesday night is getting better.. our girls are GREAT, we've finally got a system down that i think will work, we've got truth or dare journals that are awesome, and now we just need to ask God to help us carry it all out!!

9. wow, its hard to top that last one, but its worth a shot anyway.. i got some yogurt at the store and i've been eating it. yogurt is pretty good for you, and you are supposed to get 3 milks a day.

10. womens retreat. nuff said.

adios muchachos!


Gish said...

YAY! Back to Blogging!! woo-hoo!

Brent said...

I love it that so many high school ladies are excited about the women's retreat!

Kelsey McKinney said...

yay! i;m so excited about every single one of these things

Kelsey McKinney said...

you have been tagged love

Deleted said...

I'm just as sad about the HP books being gone. Have you ever read the UGLIES series? Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and then Extras, by Scott Westerfield. You might like them. Oh, and y'know what sandwich I love to eat? Peanut butter (no jelly), with chocolate-chip cookies in the middle. I know that sounds silly - but if you like Reese's, you'll LOVE this!
Love, Tracy P.
(Though you know me as Tracy Martin from church)